First communion of anemic young girls in snowy weather | 2022
Black milk of morning we drink you evenings
we drink you at noon and mornings we drink you at night
we drink and we drink
Paul Celan
Juste like the eponymous painting by Alphonse Allais, ´First communion of anemic young girls in snowy weather´ is a monochrome plot of gestures. Three bodies stage the paradox of a theme, even a complex narrative, which plunges into the mystery of plastic indifference and the heterotopia of uniformity as a new ironic form of abstraction. We dive into the problematic of nothingness and infinity, into the idea of emptiness, into the terrible innocence of white. It’s a space where the absent addresses us to question our identity in a disturbing way.
White metaphysical, physical. White absence and presence. A vector of both the sacred and the transgressive, Première communion de jeunes filles chlorotiques par un temps de neige retains the notion of absolute color from white. White which hesitates between absence or the sum of all the colors; white which turns out to be in turn ideal, light and matter, body hygiene, an incarnation of innocence, of the purity of the soul, of the body, of the virginal, but also of emptiness and silence, angels and ghosts, voices, pages and sleepless nights. Empty space of all possibilities. Color of the world born, in the Hindu religion, from a sea of milk, semen and sperm.
Color of milk, humans first relationship with food, after his birth, addition of all colors, color of the beginning, of oblivion, of cleanliness, of resurrection and of truth. White multiplies symbolic association: white light and paradise, between life and death, lack, emptiness, silence... and positive values: beauty, daylight, paradise, the stay of supernatural beings, transfigured, goodness, purity and innocence. White.
World Premiere: Mercat de les Flors Barcelona – 8, 9 & 10 of April 2022.
Direction and choreography
Daniel Fernández
Interpreted by Morgane Michel, Julia Rauch, Leonardo Jin Sumita and Daniel Fernandez
Roberto Fratini Serafide
Music composition
Pablo Carrascosa Llopis
Marc Villanueva i Mir
Stage and lighting design
Macarena Palacios
Nuria Mila
Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape, directed by Yuval PICK, (2020/2021) / Mercat de les Flors Barcelona (2021/2022) / Department of Cultural affairs Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon France (2021/2022).
With support from
Centre National de la Danse Lyon- Experimental creation residency (2019/2020) / Le Pacifique, National Choreographic Center Grenoble Auvegne Rhône Alpes, residence (november 2020) / La Chapelle Sainte-Marie Residence, Cie Abou Lagraa, Annonay /RAMDAM, UN CENTRE D’ART, residence (january-february 2022) / El Canal, Scenic Arts Center, Salt, Girona, Spain for a technical residence (february 2022).
Réflexions autour la danse Blog Mercat de les Flors Par Roberto Fratini Serafide (ES)